Emergency Dentistry 

Family Dentistry That Goes Above and Beyond

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family at O'Shee Family Dentistry in Baton Rouge, LA

Emergency Dentistry Services in Baton Rouge, LA

If you have a knocked-out tooth, chipped or broken teeth, or are suffering from intense pain, you probably need to visit an emergency dentist. O’Shee Family Dentistry in Baton Rouge, LA, can help treat your emergency dental situation with a same-day appointment. Whatever the problem, we will treat it as soon as possible. 

What is Emergency Dentistry?

Emergency dental care provides immediate treatment for dental problems that need urgent attention. Our emergency dental care services help reduce pain, bleeding, and inflammation and prevent further damage to the affected teeth and gums.

What Should Someone Do During a Dental Emergency?

It is important to seek immediate dental care from a professional dentist when dealing with a dental emergency. Dentists know how to treat various dental issues, even the most complicated. But, if you cannot access a dentist, manage pain with ibuprofen or oral gel for gum pain. Keep a knocked-out tooth in a cup of milk to prolong its lifespan till you see a dentist. If the area around your tooth is bleeding, apply pressure to the surrounding area with a clean cloth until the bleeding is under control.

What is Considered a Dental Emergency?

Common causes of pain from cavities or gum disease can cause infection or nerve damage during a dental emergency. In contrast, if left untreated, excessive bleeding in the gums can make it more difficult to maintain oral health and hygiene. At O’Shee Family Dentistry, our team can help treat several dental emergencies, including:

  • Knocked-Out Teeth 
  • Infection
  • Broken Teeth
  • Cracked Teeth
  • Severe Pain
  • Excessive Bleeding

How to Avoid Emergency Dental Situations

To help avoid dental emergencies, keep up with your regular dental hygiene. Brush your teeth twice daily, and floss at least once a day. Limit sugary foods and clean your tongue when brushing. Flossing daily removes food particles between your teeth and helps keep your gums healthy, reducing the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease. 

Visiting the dentist every six months will help keep your teeth clean and maintains your oral health. Getting a professional dental cleaning removes stubborn plaque and tartar buildup. Additionally, fluoride treatments can help strengthen your tooth enamel and avoid bacteria.

Schedule an Emergency Consultation

At O’Shee Family Dentistry in Baton Rouge, LA, we know dental emergencies are painful. We strive to help our patients through appointments and treatment options, offering same-day appointments for any dental emergency you might have. Dr. O’Shee and his experienced and friendly team are here for you. Contact our office today and schedule your next appointment or talk with a dentist.