Dental Implant Restorations

Family Dentistry That Goes Above and Beyond

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Woman getting porcelain veneer treatment in Baton Rouge, LA

Dental Implant Restorations in Baton Rouge, LA

At O’Shee Family Dentistry, we understand the significance of a healthy and complete smile. Dr. Seth O’Shee and our dedicated team in Baton Rouge, LA, take pride in offering dental implant restorations that are not just treatments but transformative experiences. Join us on a journey to discover how our expertise and advanced technology can help you regain your smile’s radiance.

What is a Dental Implant Restoration?

Dental implant restorations at our facility involve replacing individual teeth with a durable titanium post and a high-quality, tooth-colored crown. This implant restoration closely replicates the appearance and functionality of a natural tooth.

Process To Restore a Dental Implant 

Restoring a dental implant is a meticulous yet straightforward procedure. Once an implant has integrated with the jawbone and fully healed, the next steps are crucial for achieving a successful restoration. We start by gently removing the healing cap and then placing a scanning abutment on the implant. Our state-of-the-art digital scanner then precisely guides the lab in crafting the dental implant crown. The final step, putting the crown on the implant, is performed precisely, ensuring that the artificial tooth replacement seamlessly integrates with your natural teeth.

How Long Does It Take to Restore a Dental Implant?

The timeframe for restoring a dental implant at O’Shee Family Dentistry varies depending on individual healing times. However, once an implant has fully integrated with the jawbone, the process of affixing a tooth implant crown typically takes about a month. This timeline ensures that each step of the implant restoration, from healing to crown placement, is done with the utmost care and precision.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

The longevity of dental implants is a testament to their efficacy as a fake teeth replacement option. When properly placed and maintained, dental implants can last a lifetime. This durability is crucial, especially when dealing with issues like a loose dental implant crown. At O’Shee Family Dentistry, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide superior quality in both the placement and restoration of dental implants, ensuring their longevity and stability.

Rediscover Your Smile: Implant Restorations with Dr. O’Shee

As we continue to set new standards in dental care, O’Shee Family Dentistry remains dedicated to offering exceptional restorative dental services. With Dr. Seth O’Shee’s expertise and our state-of-the-art technology, we ensure each patient receives a treatment that not only enhances their smile but also improves their overall quality of life. We invite you to experience the difference at our Baton Rouge clinic, where your dental health and comfort are our top priorities. Reach out today.